Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Back To Me

My most recent card, back to the Asian theme that I am known for. Pretty basic card, but still fun to throw together.

Random ATC

Put this ATC together from ideas and scraps I got while doing the previous projects for my mom. Didn't end up coming together quite how I would have liked, but overall I made it work. I owe a thanks to Jacquie on this one for finding the perfect addition (the swirl paperclip), when I was trying to make it more complicated than it needed to be, ahh to be able to find the simplicity at times lol.

For My Mom

These two pieces were done for my mom. Tried to do them in a style that is more like hers than my own, and was impressed with myself at how well I did. She really enjoyed them, and it made the effort put into them mean all the more. Besides, it was a fun challenge for myself.